Services - Spend more on yourself, less on your dentist.

Multispeciality Dental Care Centre

We offer quality and affordable dental care

* Comprehensive diagnosis and Digital Dental radiography

* Restorative treatment (fillings), Endodontics (root canal), Esthethic dentistry ( tooth whitening, white fillings) 

* Orthodontic treatment (braces and teeth straightening), 

* Implant and  Prosthesis (Teeth replacement - partial, complete), 

* Extraction (removal of hopeless prognosis teeth and impacted teeth), 

* Periodontia (gum problem treatment) 

* Pedodontia (dental treatment for children) amongest the others.



Having trouble fitting in a visit to the dentist? We follow your schedule!

Dental Tips

Take a look at some information we suggest to all our patients to promote healthy smiles.